Tuesday, August 18, 2015

cracking up

Well Frank I sold some mutual funds from my retirement account and have the money ready to pay for the roof. I figure capital gains is the simplest to figure. This will be a long term capital gain, and it's not like a doubled my money or anything, so the gain isn't that big. Better than a loss.

Now I have some cracks in the foundation to deal with. I have calls in to three different places. I have no idea what this is going to cost. I hope I sold enough shares :)

I'm sure you know Melissa had her hip operated on and is doing pretty good. I hope this fixed her up all the way.

I got an email from Doug. He's living in Denver now. He's still doing the storm repairs scam/work but he's not sounding too happy about it. He's thinking of maybe going into rehab. He moved to Colorado because pot is legal there. How's that for a clear indication you have a drug problem? I hope he can get it worked out.

I have to head to town later to cash my pay check and pick up some dog food at the vet. I'm going to get a few groceries in Versailles before I come home. I'm completely out of vitamin C pills and cheese. Tomorrow I go to Sam's with Jessica so I'll get those then.

I skipped breakfast this morning because I was busy working with money and that took away my appetite :) I might eat at that Mexican place before I head home. Or maybe someplace else. Or maybe not bother. Who knows.

I'm rambling now so I'll quit. I'll pretend to talk to you on the phone while I'm driving later. Yes I'm pathetic :)


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