Friday, August 21, 2015

freaky friday

Well Frank the DOW is down 531 today. I know you prefer the S&P, so for comparison the DOW was down 3.12% and the S&P was down 3.18%. The DOW and S&P were down 5.82% and 5.76% for the last five days respectively, with the vast majority of it in the last three days. Thankfully I sold my stuff at the end of the day Tuesday and missed the worst of it. The trouble is I may have to sell more.

I talked with a foundation repair guy today and he said the foundation work will probably be $3,000 minimum. He's going to have to take a look to be sure. I'm still waiting for that tornado. You have any pull up there?

I do have some kind of good news today. I had a magazine universal loader/unloader that broke. I tried everything but tearing it apart to see what was wrong, but it was stuck shut. They had them on sale on amazon last week so I ordered a new one. I figured at least I'll have one that works, and maybe I can figure out what's wrong with the broken one. The new one came today and it works fine. In fact, since it's a newer model it has a label on this tab that I didn't even know was a tab that says "lock". Turns out the old one has the same tab, but it's not labeled. When I pulled on it the old one came unlocked and works just great now. Damn I hate it when that happens :)

I also got a new yard sign today. You know how non-political I try to be, but I had to get this 2016 election sign:

Hope that gives you a chuckle. The UPS guy came by today with the new loader/unloader and he almost fell down laughing.


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